
East Gate offers a variety of courses on a 4-year cycle

Bible Doctrine

Every semester offers a class that gives an in-depth guide to what we believe, and why we believe through the various Baptist Bible Doctrine.

Survey Classes

Get an overview of each book of Bible including themes, audience, and general content through both the Old Testament Survey, and New Testament Survey classes.

Bible Prophecy

The Bible is full of various prophecies. Learn about the various prophecies and their meanings in classes like Daniel, Revelation, and Bible Prophecy.

Life and Character Studies

Take a deep dive into some of the key people in the Bible with character studies and their ministries in classes like The Life of Paul, and The Life of Christ.

Book Studies

Get to know some Books of the Bible more with full courses over a single book in classes such as The Book of Acts I & II and The Minor Prophets.

Preaching & Teaching

Classes like Hermeneutics, Baptist Church Polity, and Preaching & Teaching give practical tools and knowledge for preachers and teachers, upcoming and present alike.

General Classes

There are many other classes are offered like Church History, English Bible Manuscripts, and Personal Evangelism that are great for every Christian to come and learn.

Fall 2024 Classes

Bible Doctrine I

Doctrine of Bibliology

with Pastor Pat Higgins

Bible Doctrine I goes over the doctrine of Bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible). This class covers topics such as the source of the Bible, the history of the Bible, what the Bible is, and it's importance. This class also covers the reasons why the King James Bible is used and trusted for the English language.

Life of Christ

with Pastor George Yurick

This class covers the life, works, and teching of Jesus. Students will look at the various aspects of Jesus' life throughout the 4 gospel accounts.

US History

with Pastor Dominick Cuozzo

This class looks at the history of The United States of America and the hand of God throughout it's founding and history. This class will see the Biblical foundations which base America's founding documents and principles.

Major Prophets

with Pastor Chuck Shorter

This class is an overview of the major topics, prophecies, and events within the Major Prophets of the Bible. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are the books of prophecy which are being studied in this class.

Teaching and Preaching I

with Pastor Shariff Elmeaze

This class is an exhaustive study of the art, science, and discipline of preaching and teaching God's Word. Principles brought forth in this course are applicable to preaching, teaching, soul winning and evangelism, public speaking, apologetics, discourse, ministering, counseling, and general conversation. Using words to minister requires much thought and preparation.

This is a 2-semester class.